Photigy Studio Assignment review:
How to shoot textured things
This is the my video review for our last in this year Photigy bi-weekly assignment, the shot of a textured subject, or purse.
I’ve recorded the video off-line, and I am thinking about how we can do a live discussion every other week or so. What about a google plus hangout after my review is released? This way we can chat and discuss the assignment and my review, instead of you guys just sitting and listening to my critique. Anyways, let me know if you have any ideas on how to do a live discussion by commenting under this article.
Thank you everyone who submitted shots: Cris Anzai, John Sullivan, Ina G, Nikolas-Adam Manaios, Mikael Magnusson, Gyurci, Curtis Hustace, Edgaras, Atul Tayade and Dennis M.
Now we have a new gallery (I like it better.. do you like it this way?). So, the bigger images you submit the better they will look in this showcase. Also, if you add your Author’s info and image name in the EXIF, it will be shown in the gallery.
Today I’ve added names myself, but if you want your name to be under your images, please consider creating a good Exif data description. Believe me, it will help you in many other places:- )
As usual, to see how these shot were done and discuss them with authors, read our Photigy Forum: “The Purse assignment shot“
The Winner of the assignment:
Cris Anzai
Congratulations, Cris! I am proud of you as my student of “Studio Tabletop Photography for beginners” course, every time you do such a great job! Now you’ll get an extra hour in private consultation with me. Please let me know what time will work for you.
The Next Assignment (deadline 12/31/2012):
Create a list of things you have not finished for a long time during 2012, things which can be done in a day or hours each. Have this list on a paper and put a date when you finish it, a date before 01/01/2013.
Lets get all of them done by the end of this year, and we’ll be so much stronger in getting our goals done in 2013!
Get confused? Yes, sometimes we need to get rid of old things to be more productive in photography. Cleaning such “I have to do it one day” things will make you a better photographer .
Just try and see yourself :- )
All the best to everyone, and Happy Holidays!