- This category has 199 topics, 207 replies, and was last updated 3 years, 10 months ago by .
- Pro Club
General Pro Club
Anything that we would like to discuss among Pro Club community
- 23
Workshops – Homework
Assignment homework submission
- Advanced Compositing in Photoshop Workshop#76 (5, 2)
- Advertising Beverage Photography: Vodka on Ice. Workshop #66 (9, 8)
- Advertising Cognac Image: Advanced Compositing in Photoshop. Workshop #67 (9, 4)
- Blending Art And Advertising Photography Layered Shadowbox Cosmetic Photography Workshop #79 (7, 2)
- CGI for Photographers, Workshop #88 (1, 1)
- Christmas Style Composition, Creative product photography workshop #77 (8, 2)
- Creating a High-Concept Valentine’s Day Image in Photoshop Workshop #78 (8, 2)
- Creative Cocktail Photography. Workshop #73 (9, 7)
- Creative Cosmetic Photography. Workshop #70 (11, 10)
- Creative Food Photography: Flying Burger. Workshop#68 (10, 6)
- Crystalized time: creative watch photography, workshop #84 (4, 1)
- Dyson Vacuum Cleaner Advertising, Workshop #80 (4, 1)
- Exploring CGI: Blending 3D Render and Photography Workshop #85 (3, 1)
- Fire in Advertising Product Photography. Workshop #72 (6, 8)
- Glass with Splash, Workshop #90 (0, 0)
- Glossy Shoes: Making an Advertising Look. Workshop #74 (11, 3)
- High-end Retouching: Chocolate Bar. Workshop #71 (5, 14)
- Jewelry Photography and CGI, Workshop #87 (3, 0)
- Jewelry Photography Online Workshop, Pro Club #92 (0, 0)
- Jewelry Photography Workshop #89 (1, 1)
- Jewelry Photography Workshop#86 (4, 0)
- Jewelry Photography, Pro Club #93 (0, 0)
- Kitchenware: Fine Art Photography. Workshop #69 (12, 8)
- Minty Fresh: Consumer Product Advertising Image Product Photography Workshop #82 (4, 4)
- Multi-Layer Composing In Jewelry Photography, Workshop 91 (0, 0)
- Post-Production Techniques for Blending a Liquor Bottle Image with Complex Backgrounds – Workshop # 81 (4, 3)
- Sound Of Silence: Compelling Headphone, Workshop #83 (3, 2)
- Spooky Halloween Whiskey Pour Beverage Photography, Workshop #75 (5, 3)
- 150
Past Assignments Critique
This is the forum where Pro Club members post their homework for past workshops for the review. We review them every last Thursday of the month.
- 26
General Pro Club