Sherry Sabatine is a commercial photographer based in Ontario, Canada, who went back to school to pursue her passion for photography, both as a student at Fanshawe College in Southwestern Ontario and as a student in Photigy’s Certification Program.
Sherry, you’ve been formally pursuing photography since 2015. Tell us a little about your business.
I am now a full-time product photographer as well as having my own photography business.
I am the product photographer for as well as operating my own business, Sherry Sabatine Photography. In my own business, I offer commercial services including, but not limited to, product, lifestyle and professional headshots. I also offer family and newborn photography services.
My goals and intent are to continue to learn new techniques and to improve my skills. At no point have I ever thought I know all I need to know.
You mentioned being a full-time product photographer. What made you decide to pursue product photography?
When I was in college, I discovered my love for product/commercial photography. I love manipulating the lights and shadows to create a beautiful image.
How did you first learn about Photigy?
I wanted to learn to be even more creative in my photography, and after some Googling, I was so happy to find Photigy. So many online programs are expensive, but never really teach you advanced techniques. Photigy teaches those techniques and in depth. My first course was just this year, 2019.
What convinced you to enroll in Photigy’s Complete Guide to Product Photography Certification Program?
After seeing what the course had to offer and the images that were created, how could I not?
When did you start?
Feb 2019
You completed the program in nine months—that’s impressive. What was the most challenging module of the program? What did you enjoy most?
The most challenging and most enjoyed was the splash photography portion.
Splash photography is definitely popular, not only with our students, but across the industry. When you first got started, what did you find to be the most challenging aspect of photographing products?
The lighting and creating gradients.
What is your favorite product image you created since taking courses and workshops through Photigy?
My “Exploding Cosmetic Powder” shot is my favourite.
How has your learning experience with Photigy affected your success as a photographer or pursuit of photography?
It has allowed me to improve my skills at my current job. I have gained more respect from my co-workers and other photographers.
We’re so happy to hear that. Earning respect as a professional photographer is definitely invaluable. Based on your experiences, what advice can you offer for people interested in pursuing product photography?
Go for it!! When you do decide to go for it, take this [Certification] course on top of, instead of or alongside any other courses you have or will take. This course will teach you so much more.
And finally, when you’re not busy shooting for your work, what other areas of photography interest you?
I enjoy lifestyle shots and headshots. And photographing my granddaughter!
Check out more of her creative photos at her website:
and follow her on social media:
Instagram: @sherry._.sabatine/
Facebook : @Sherry.Sabatine.Photography/